"Cry" by Michael Jackson, Invincible album
Very often, in interviews done with him and in some of his writings, Michael Jackson describes things he finds amazing as "magic".  It was a word that Michael used often in interviews to describe something, be it music, animation or a starry night, that he felt was really special.  He often said that he loved to create "magic" and seemed in awe of things around him that so many of us just take for granted.

In a very early interview done with him after the success of "Thriller", he mentions his love of the outdoors and coming outdoors in the evening and just viewing the stars.

Michael had an amazing gift of being able to see "magic" in everything.  It has made me think long and hard how much more precious life would be if we took the time to enjoy every single moment and to see things with the intensity, curiosity and awe in which he viewed them. 

Every sunset and sunrise, every bird singing it's own beautiful song.  Drops of dewy rain and the beauty of fresh-fallen snow.  The crunching of leaves beneath our feet as we walk in the cool, crisp autumn air, the scent of flowers, pumpkins, spice.  Being able to revel in and see the beauty in the striking colors in each piece of art and in nature itself.  We all need to slow down and take in all of God's beauty, as Michael did.  We could all use more of that child-like awe and wonder when looking at the world.

Michael was a musical genuis, the greatest entertainer we've seen, an amazing dancer, an inventor and a humanitarian, and most importantly, a fellow human being.

He thrilled us with his talents, he showed us how love and a gentle spirit could help to change the world.  He cared about and helped hurting children.  He gave his time and money to charitable causes.  He used his God-given talents and gifts to not only entertain and captivate, but to truly make a difference in this world.

Michael was, indeed, magic.

Reflections On The Dance
Michael Joseph Jackson Remembered
A celebration of love, spirit, truth & faith.  Celebrating his life, his legacy, and his humanity
"As corny as it sounds, natural highs are the greatest highs in the world. The stars, the mountains, children, babies smiling are just magic."

Michael Jackson
1979 JET Magazine